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I have created this page to inform readers regarding my Biblical stance on various Biblical topics. I have provided Scripture references, wherever possible, to provide the context of my beliefs. I have used the organizational structure of Systematic Theology, to provide a more thorough listing of my beliefs. Please note that the following is not a description of Systematic Theology, but the mere use of the outline of its various subjects to fully develop my own Scripture-based beliefs on various Bible doctrines.  

Systematic Theology is one among many methods to study the Scriptures and it divides the study of the Scriptures into the following sections (with some minor variations, based on the the viewpoint of different authors). I will take the following outline and use them as subheadings to inform regarding what I have learned and believe in each of the following areas.  In the Statement of Faith that follows, I take the Bible (comprised of 66 Books) to be my only source of authority for my beliefs and, hopefully, my practices. The subjects are as follows:
  1. BIBLIOLOGY--pertaining to the Holy Scriptures
  2. THEOLOGY--pertaining to the Triune Godhead
    • PATEROLOGY (OR THEOLOGY PROPER)--pertaining to God the Father
    • CHRISTOLOGY--pertaining to Christ
    • PNEUMATOLOGY--pertaining to the Holy Spirirt
  3. ANTHROPOLOGY--pertaining to humans
  4. HAMARTIOLOGY--pertaining to sin
  5. SOTERIOLOGY--pertaining to salvation
  6. ANGELOLOGY--pertaining to angels
  7. DEMONOLOGY--pertaining to demons
  8. ECCLESIOLOGY--pertaining to the church
  9. ESCHATOLOGY--pertaining to the future 


  • I believe that the Bible, God's written revelation, is comprised of two Testaments, the Old and the New, with the Old Testament comprised of 39 books and the New Testament comprised of 27 books. All of these Books make the sacred canon of Scripture, with none excluded. No other books can be added as part of the revelation of God in this dispensation. 
  • I believe, therefore that the only special revelation we possess in this dispensation is the Bible. 
  • I believe that the Bible is inspired by God (God-breathed) in its entirety (plenary inspiration), therefore without error (inerrant) in its original writings or autographs. 
  • I believe that the Bible is infallible because it is wholly inspired by God, therefore it is reliable in its entirety and does not mislead in any manner whatsoever.
  • I believe that God's revelation in the Bible was progressive, but the revelation so given in later ages and stages does not contradict or correct the revelation given earlier. 
  • I believe that since the completion of the New Testament, no further revelation has been given, nor will be given until the end of this dispensation. I believe that the canon of Scripture is complete and, therefore, closed and cannot be altered with claims of further spoken, written or imagined special revelation in this dispensation. 
  • I believe that the Bible is the written Word of God and is so whether it is read or not read, applied or not applied. I believe that the Bible does NOT merely contain the Word of God, nor become the Word of God only when we read it (i.e. I deny mere "revelation in encounter"). I believe that the validity of the Bible is not dependent on any humans or organizations whatsoever-- whether officials, clergy or otherwise, or churches or governments.  
  • I believe that the Bible is sufficient for life and godliness and our final authority.
  • I believe in the normal, literal, contextual and consistent interpretation of the Scriptures using grammatical and historical methods of exegesis and allowing Scripture to interpret Scripture.
  • I wholly subscribe to all 19 articles of the CHICAGO STATEMENT ON BIBLICAL INERRANCY.
  • Some References: John 16:12,13;  Matthew 5:18; 2 Timothy 3:16,17:  2 Peter 1:3, 20,21.


[My Beliefs on the Godhead will be added soon]
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